Thursday, September 20, 2012

My favourite Ghanaian creatives

As a follow up to the article I wrote earlier on creative arts in Ghana, this is the beginning of a series of articles I have decided to put together about some of the most creative Ghanaian in my opinion. These are people who have and continue to inspire me profoundly. They could be individuals or groups of individuals from a very diverse range of creative fields, from digital art to classical art, architecture to architecture visualization, photography to cinematography etc. and spread all over the globe. I hope that you would be as impressed about what they are doing as much as I have been.
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Saturday, September 8, 2012


We like to make mistakes
And blame other people
All of the plans we make
We put on the table
But it ain't that simple
Life ain't easy
Didn't learn this from experience
I saw it on tv
All those fake a** politicians
On a government payroll
Fake a** drivers
Putting people on death row
Mr. Afiewura
I know my rent's due
Will pay up on the morrow
When you know my cheque's due
With phoney logic
They pose as pastors,
They tell u go home to your mama
She's a bad witch
She's responsible for all the bad things
You've been through
You forget all about the nine months
She carried you
The least bit of a problem
We seeking the mallam
When we forget to give thanks and praise
To Allah.......................

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I'm not....

This came to me about an hour ago while i was in the shower. Got out and wrote it down immediately. I hope its not too bad.

I'm not a poet
I sure as hell ain't a rapper
I just try to put one and two words together
Try to make em rhyme
You know, makes me feel clever
Then back to hoping
It's not a lost endeavor

I'm not a devil
I sure as hell ain't a saint
I just try to obey the lords commandments
Try to do things right
You know, makes me feel holy
Then again to wishing
I never have to folly

I'm not a bush man
I sure as hell ain't a gentleman
I just try to do right by the ladies
Try to make em feel good
You know, makes me feel cool
Though sometimes i feel i'm taken for a fool.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let em talk

My first ever attempt at writing poetry. I put this together when i was in T.I Ahmadiyya Secondary School in 2003. Just found it deep down somewhere in my stuff and i thought i should share it. Hope you like it.

Let em talk

let em talk for i fear not
let em talk, for it tickles me not
whispers in the air at the sight of me
hatred in their hearts when they hear of me
but not an atom of hair is taken off me
so let em talk
its the worse they could do

let em talk until their tongues are rotten
let em talk until their throats are choked
let em talk after all who cares
mere anger is the most they could bear
let em talk for it all comes to naught

let em talk as much as they can
let them talk, for tire is all they achieve
tongues that stop at nothing but to slur
eyes holding onto my tail
for what they seek, they best know

let em talk, useless they are
after all, i hear not.

Monday, May 28, 2012

On creative arts in Ghana

I have for a very long time been one to criticize any hint of mediocrity especially when it has to do with the creative arts. I have always considered myself to be an artist. I mean, like most artists, i as well as a few others made the best drawings in primary school all through to junior secondary school, as far as i can remember. Teachers from other classes would call on me to draw diagrams on their class boards. You know what i mean. I also happened to be a brilliant student. Well not the straight A's kinda brilliant but I really never did badly at all in school. So when the time came for me to make a choice of subject to study in secondary school, naturally i was in a huge dilemma. I knew i would make a really good artist because i already had it in me by default. On the other hand, as is expected from most brilliant students, i was expected to pursue science, by most of my friends and family. Well! as am sure you can imagine i spent the next three years of my life pursuing a subject that i was not very interested in. It became increasingly clear to me over the years that i belonged to the art class. Paradoxically, i realized also that most of the students in the art class really didn't have the passion for what they were studying and I'm sure you can guess why. Most of them ended up there because they couldn't make very good grades. Putting this experience in perspective, it's no wonder that our creative arts industry is plagued with the kind of mediocrity that most of us despise as a country. But do we have the moral right to complain. We have left it in the hands people who do not have the passion for it and are doing it as a means of survival while discouraging the brilliant ones who have the real passion for it. Until we come to the realization that art is a one of the most effective ways of creating cultural change in a country and as such place the kind of attention that it deserves on it, we just have to enjoy it as it is. In the meantime, i have stopped complaining. I've channeled that energy into appreciating the brilliant creative professionals who are, against all odds, striving to make a difference in their fields as well as the not so brilliant ones, who know that they are not so brilliant, and are striving really hard to get there.  To be continued........

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just saying

Ok. So finally got around to writing my next blogpost. Not exactly an easy thing to do for a newbie like me especially with the kind of work i do. I mean, the last couple of weeks since bar camp have been crazy, to say the least. Let me paint the picture. I'm three months late on a project i'm working on, why! i'll explain later. I have another project which i have to complete in a week and guess what, i havn't even started, my car is playing games with me, my love life is not exactly rosy at the moment, i mean, it doesn't get mach crazier than this, does it?. Not exactly the "Ghanaian dream" for want of a better expression but hey! it's the life i chose and it all comes in the package.